Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Contoh Review Book


Title : Membangun Decision Support System
 Author : Julius Hermawan
Publisher : ANDI ISBN : 979-731-6570
 Page : 116,
Paberback Genre : Computer/ Operating System
 Reviewed by :Bobby S,Bryan Anggara,Fathimah,M.Dede,Reynaldi (TI-A3)


 Decision Suport System Decision Support System or the next in the book is abbreviated as DSS, it is generally defined as a system that is capable of providing the ability pemacahan the problem as well as the ability to issue pengkomunikasian seme Pierre-structured. specifically, DSS is defined as a system that supports the work of a Manager and a group of managers in solving problems of semi structured by way of providing information or proposals on certain decisions. DSS can be in the form of manual systems or computerized system.However in this book emphasized the decision support system implementation based on the computer. Example problem of semi-structured in business is the control inventory, production scheduling, budget preparation, money management, and new product planning. As it includes issues that are semi-structured ni, then a combination of computers and humans to be the determining factor.Part of the problem is a more structured can be handled properly by the computer applications that are built to handle these issues, while issues that are unstructured ditangaani by human decision-makers. Methods of development of DSS is almost the same with the development methods of unak in General.Pembedanya is a DSS emphasis on Prototyping stage. Prototyping emphasized because in the development of the DSS, the interaction between developers and users are very intensive. This book uses the Northwind database, which is the case of the sample database in Microsoft SQL Server. the main reason for this is the use of easily obtainable daabase, i.e. by installing SQL Server, and the readers who have used SQL Server certainly has made such familiar with Northwind data structure and so are expected to be more focused on the application of data warehouse and the DSS than to an understanding of the structure and content of the database itself. The main components of data management in the DSS is the data Warehouse Data Warehouse. into the input for the component model and directly accessible by the user to get the information needed in decision-making as well as in the manufacture of the model.Therefore, this book puts a focus on discussion of the data Warehouse as well. Wirehouse data is a database intended for the purpose of data retrieval and data penganalisisan.So, in contrast to a database that was created for the purpose of recording the transaction.This Database erisi historical data already summarized the contents. This book also implemented the model in DSS, Modeling is a key element in the DSS.Modelmerupakan conceptualization of a problem by trying to mengabstraksikannya in the form of quantitative or qualitative measures. with the model we tried to approach the real problem with doing some simplification through statements of assumptions. This book also implemented the model in DSS, Modeling is a key element in the DSS.Modelmerupakan conceptualization of a problem by trying to mengabstraksikannya in the form of quantitative or qualitative measures. with the model we tried to approach the real problem with doing some simplification through statements of assumptions. This book places emphasis on aspects of the practitioner of the Decision Support System which boils down to discuss how to step by step of designing the DSS and then implementing it with the technology that exists today.The technology used in this book is Microsoft SQL Server 2000, the software iDecide, and Microsoft Excel. This book emphasizes the concept and practice.The concept of DSS are sourced from the literature that has been published. while practical examples diambilkan from real projects where the author was involved in it. Through this book you will learn about examples of the use of the DSS in business, the configuration of the DSS, data Warehouse Design, the models in the DSS, the characteristics of the representation of the input and output, the User Interface in DSS, Northwind Traders case study. Northwind Traders case tells the story of the Northwind's marketing manager must determine the level of sales, the selling price, and selling strategies that can increase profits.Runs from chapter to chapter readers are led to establish the DSS that will help Marketing Manager Northwind in providing the information it needs in a timely and complete. This book will be very useful to practitioners who are now using the new DSS or who have been involved in the development of DSS.For students majoring in business, economics, industrial engineering, and information systems, this book could be further developed as a final project that deals with the development of DSS on a specific domain.

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